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Gibson's Legacy (Last Score, #1) by K.L. Shandwick | Goodreads
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December 6, 2016 – Finished Reading
December 6, 2016 – Shelved
December 4, 2016 – Started Reading
Review |
Gibson is a rock star with a reputation, it started before he and the band became famous and has followed him into adult hood. Chloe knew him slightly way back, enough to see how he earned said reputation. Though she feels she missed a chance back then she has no intention of becoming another notch to him. Life has been hard for her, a long term relationship has left her with little trust in men. A wrong number phone call hours after beginning a new life gradually sparks something inside her. Lot Gibson is a rock star with a reputation, it started before he and the band became famous and has followed him into adult hood. Chloe knew him slightly way back, enough to see how he earned said reputation. Though she feels she missed a chance back then she has no intention of becoming another notch to him. Life has been hard for her, a long term relationship has left her with little trust in men. A wrong number phone call hours after beginning a new life gradually sparks something inside her. Lots of angst and misconceptions make for a bit of a roller coaster of highs and lows for this couple, it is intense and sometimes raw with emotion. Frustration for Gibson in trying to do right by Chloe but at the same time his need for her is overwhelming. For Chloe it is the fear of trusting again, the feeling of not being good enough and of just being someone Gibson wants only until he gets what he wants from all women then him dropping her like all the others. This is a fast paced read with a good flow throughout, the emotions go through a full range right along with these two characters. Just the sort of read I love, I tend to get lost in the story and suck it all in, I get a lump in my throat when the characters are upset and I find myself clenching my fist when things are tense. Only draw back is that this isn't a stand alone book it continues into book 2, a bit like KL Shandwick Ready For Flynn Series so you need to be prepared to commit to that before you read. Do I feel its worth doing that? YES I do without hesitation, I enjoyed the other series and this first one in this series doesn't disappoint in any way. |