Lucky 13 Book Reviews And News

Lucky 13 Book Reviews And News

love books, reviewing, talking about and sharing books I love

Switch of Fate 1 - Lisa Ladew, Grace Quillen

Intense, suspenseful and mysterious are just a few ways to describe this book, there is also the magical element. Lots of interesting and mythological events happening as this plot progresses, as well as the building attraction between the characters. Some very sizzling hot scenes that its a wonder the pages don't combust on their own, in other words plenty for everyone to enjoy. The pace is steady and the flow really good throughout. I really loved the whole mix of contrasting subjects form the ancient to the modern, I could believe this could happen. This is wondrous and spiritual a real treat to read, even the fantastical kept me enthralled.

5 Stars
Everything She Needs - K.L. Shandwick

Gosh will these characters ever be on the same page as each other, all the angst and pain they are inflicting is going back and forth like a tennis ball during a match. Having said that I'm glued to this series. All the emotions have me tied in knots, half the time I have a lump in my throat. The support characters are quite fun so its enough to lighten things up and give some relief from all the drama. This is fairly intense through most of the book so you do need the lighter moments. The twists and turns keep this from getting comfortable or staid. Great reading, compulsive and addicting.

5 Stars
Enough Isn't Everything - K.L. Shandwick
Starting a new section of her life studying music in Miami, Lily is British a long way from home and has only just lost her virginity. Meeting Alfie there's a connection and sparks the chemistry is off the scales, only down is he does not do relationships, all he wants is sex. This is full of angst and the pain of emotions going haywire, confusion for not just her feelings but how Alfie and others treat her. Lily is so troubled and torn so unsure in the end, I really felt for her. These guys I felt none were being really honest, all pushing her to making decisions not particularly good for her. This is well written and full of twists and the unexpected. It is a young adult base, with music being the study matter and sexual exploration one of the main subjects. There is explicit sexual content. I really enjoyed reading it
5 Stars
Creed: Fallen Angel's MC - Erin Trejo
  Free copy for an honest review.
One accident that changes the whole course of two lives, yet somehow they both end up in a similar life. Jada's is not good or healthy, it's violent, abusive and almost deadly. Creed is just surviving, not really caring if he lives or dies. He loves the MC lifestyle but at the same time it is just a living, the women he loves is missing and he doesn't ever expect to see her again. Quite by chance they do meet again, circumstances still not in their favour they go their separate ways again. You have the bikers, guns, violence, drugs and rivalry that comes with MC clubs/gangs. You also have this deep seated love that the two main characters have for each other, a love that started way back when they were kids and has never dimmed or died. Two clubs that have a history and a secret link that is a cause for hatred and fighting, becomes even more heated with the added history and relationship of Creed and Jada. I love stories like this that hook me in and keep me on the edge of my seat, not able to read it fast enough but at the same time not wanting it to finish. I haven't looked but I'm hoping this author has written more in this series.


5 Stars
SEALs of Honor: Dane (Volume 3) - Dale Mayer
  Dane is quiet, great looking and fantastic at his job. Patient, kind and protective. Marielle is good at her research job, still studying chemistry she has discovered a weapon quite by accident so stressed by that and my her mothers poor health she goes on holiday. Invited by a professor to Germany she sees a military guy in the garden where she's staying, things start taking a downward spiral from there. Threatened, blown up, snatch attempts she ran to Dane for help at first then once she thought it was ok started to head home.
Action packed story with Dane and the Seal team trying to find out what's going on and why Marielle has been targeted, then to find out exactly by who. I love these men, they are hot, sexy, very protective and have great sense of humours. Brilliant at their jobs and will stop at nothing to get results, they are all at a stage in their lives that they are wanting to find the love of their lives and tend to find them when they least expect it. They fall fast and hard once they do and they have started to do so one after the other a bit like dominoes. The story is interesting and the varied subject matter keeps you wanting more. I loved the animal aspect with this one as Masters was very much a part of this as the main characters, pampered and looked after no matter if they were flying or in a safe house in either country. Easy reading that you don't want to put down but with enough suspense to give it a bit of an edge so you don't know what to expect next or when.


5 Stars
SEALs of Honor: Set 1-3: Mason, Hawk and Dane - Dale Mayer Mayer
  SEALs of Honor: Mason (SEALs of Honor, #1)
by Dale Mayer (Goodreads Author)

Wendy Hodges's review
Mar 25, 2016  ·  edit

it was amazing

Read from March 24 to 25, 2016

This was an arc copy for an honest review.
This is a great Seal Team, friendly, supportive, efficient, deadly and instinctive of each others moves. They can read each other and have a way of signaling, communicating without words. Tesla is strong, determined, honest, loyal and loving. She is also extremely intelligent and keen to save military lives, even at the risk of her own. She's a fighter determined to do something to stop needless death like her brothers, and to keep up with this team of Seals and not let them down or make their job any harder than it needs to be. There is a lot going on in this story, it keeps you on the edge of your seat and often holding your breathe. The team take her into their hearts firstly because of the amazing stamina that she shows, but also the way she wont take any crap. Although this is a serious issue and some nasty stuff happens it does have a little bit of light heartedness at times which fits with these guys and her. It made it all the more enjoyable during reading when you find yourself having a little chuckle, it eases the tenseness of all that's going on and waiting to see what's going to happen next. There's definitely no getting bored or to relaxed, thinking oh good now we get the happy... def not plenty of twists and turns right till the end.

Reviews > SEALs of Honor: Hawk

SEALs of Honor: Hawk (SEALs of Honor, #2)
by Dale Mayer (Goodreads Author)

Wendy Hodges's review
Dec 21, 2016  ·  edit

it was amazing

Read on December 21, 2016

Gosh these guys certainly pick their women, strong and capable but forever going missing. The Seals themselves seem to spend half their time chasing down the baddies and the rest rescuing their damsels in distress, not that they seem bothered to much at being hero's. The bad guys don't have any qualms about beating on women either, real bullies and violent different matter when its men though its guns all the way. Fast paced action packed story, no time to get bored or to put it down as it is straight from one crisis to the next. Enough story to keep it interesting and with a touch of mystery to who the main bad guy is. The caves sound fascinating, though I'm not great at being in enclosed spaces. The Seal team are all hot, great at what they do and very much all for one and one for all racing to help each other as soon as the call goes out. Oh and they are all looking for the same type of women since they have all claimed both Tesla and Mia so far, look out Mason and Hawk you mess up and the others will be stepping up. Honestly I loved it, the joking and teasing making me chuckle and easing the tension that built in between.

SEALs of Honor: Dane (SEALs of Honor, #3)
by Dale Mayer (Goodreads Author)

Wendy Hodges's review
Dec 23, 2016  ·  edit

it was amazing

Read from December 22 to 23, 2016

Dane is quiet, great looking and fantastic at his job. Patient, kind and protective. Marielle is good at her research job, still studying chemistry she has discovered a weapon quite by accident so stressed by that and my her mothers poor health she goes on holiday. Invited by a professor to Germany she sees a military guy in the garden where she's staying, things start taking a downward spiral from there. Threatened, blown up, snatch attempts she ran to Dane for help at first then once she thought it was ok started to head home.
Action packed story with Dane and the Seal team trying to find out what's going on and why Marielle has been targeted, then to find out exactly by who. I love these men, they are hot, sexy, very protective and have great sense of humours. Brilliant at their jobs and will stop at nothing to get results, they are all at a stage in their lives that they are wanting to find the love of their lives and tend to find them when they least expect it. They fall fast and hard once they do and they have started to do so one after the other a bit like dominoes. The story is interesting and the varied subject matter keeps you wanting more. I loved the animal aspect with this one as Masters was very much a part of this as the main characters, pampered and looked after no matter if they were flying or in a safe house in either country. Easy reading that you don't want to put down but with enough suspense to give it a bit of an edge so you don't know what to expect next or when.


5 Stars
Michael's Mercy (Sleeper Seals) (Volume 3) - Dale Mayer

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Gosh! Suspense and excitement from start to finish, its intense and mysterious as well. Linked to both the Sleeper Seals Series and Dale Mayer's Heroes For Hire Series, the focus is on Michael. Levi and Ice have been trying to recruit him for a while but he has been refusing, wanting to stay retired until he receives a phone call from someone else needing his help that changes his mind.
Mercy is trying to find out why her sister was murdered, she goes privately under cover to get information. This is a book you do not want to put down, I was hooked from the first page and would happily have sat and read without interruption (#blow life getting in the way)still I read in every free minute I could get. I loved that Mercy was strong and feisty, determined to stay and do her bit. I loved that the clues were slow to pop up and gradual when they did to draw the suspense to maximum, causing my heartbeat to slowly increase as the excitement towards the conclusion built. Wonderful plot and characters and as always at the end of the main story a brief introduction to the next story character. Just enough of a tease to have me wanting the next book. Well worth the five stars.


5 Stars
SEALs of Honor: Mason - Dale Mayer

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000230 EndHTML:000091776 StartFragment:000089462 EndFragment:000091675 StartSelection:000089505 EndSelection:000091659 SourceURL: Mason (SEALs of Honor #1) by Dale Mayer | Goodreads // <![CDATA[ var ue_t0=window.ue_t0||+new Date(); // ]]> // <![CDATA[ (function(e){var c=e;var a=c.ue||{};a.main_scope="mainscopecsm";a.q=[];a.t0=c.ue_t0||+new Date();a.d=g;function g(h){return +new Date()-(h?0:a.t0)}function d(h){return function(){a.q.push({n:h,a:arguments,t:a.d()})}}function b(m,l,h,j,i){var k={m:m,f:l,l:h,c:""+j,err:i,fromOnError:1,args:arguments};c.ueLogError(k);return false}b.skipTrace=1;e.onerror=b;function f(){c.uex("ld")}if(e.addEventListener){e.addEventListener("load",f,false)}else{if(e.attachEvent){e.attachEvent("onload",f)}}a.tag=d("tag");a.log=d("log");a.reset=d("rst");c.ue_csm=c;c.ue=a;c.ueLogError=d("err");c.ues=d("ues");c.uet=d("uet");c.uex=d("uex");c.uet("ue")})(window);(function(e,d){var a=e.ue||{};function c(g){if(!g){return}var f=d.head||d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||d.documentElement,h=d.createElement("script");h.async="async";h.src=g;f.insertBefore(h,f.firstChild)}function b(){var k=e.ue_cdn||"",g=e.ue_cdns||"",j="/images/G/01/csminstrumentation/",h=e.ue_file||"ue-full-11e51f253e8ad9d145f4ed644b40f692._V1_.js",f,i;if(h.indexOf("NSTRUMENTATION_FIL")>=0){return}if("ue_https" in e){f=e.ue_https}else{f=e.location&&e.location.protocol=="https:"?1:0}i=f?"https://":"http://";i+=f?g:k;i+=j;i+=h;c(i)}if(!e.ue_inline){if(a.loadUEFull){a.loadUEFull()}else{b()}}a.uels=c;e.ue=a})(window,document); if (window.ue && window.ue.tag) { window.ue.tag('book:show:signed_in', ue.main_scope);window.ue.tag('book:show:signed_in:desktop', ue.main_scope); } // ]]> // <![CDATA[ if (window.Mobvious === undefined) { window.Mobvious = {}; } window.Mobvious.device_type = 'desktop'; // ]]> // <![CDATA[ WebFont.load({ classes: false, custom: { families: ["Lato:n4,n7,i4", "Merriweather:n4,n7,i4"], urls: [""] } }); // ]]> <!-- [if lte IE 9]> <![endif]--> <!-- [if lt IE 9]> <![endif]--> <!-- [if lt IE 8]> <![endif]--> <!-- [if gte IE 8]><!--> <!--<![endif]--> // <![CDATA[ var gptAdSlots = gptAdSlots || []; var googletag = googletag || {}; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; (function() { var gads = document.createElement("script"); gads.async = true; gads.type = "text/javascript"; var useSSL = "https:" == document.location.protocol; gads.src = (useSSL ? 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  This was an arc copy for an honest review.
This is a great Seal Team, friendly, supportive, efficient, deadly and instinctive of each others moves. They can read each other and have a way of signaling, communicating without words. Tesla is strong, determined, honest, loyal and loving. She is also extremely intelligent and keen to save military lives, even at the risk of her own. She's a fighter determined to do something to stop needless death like her brothers, and to keep up with this team of S
This was an arc copy for an honest review.
This is a great Seal Team, friendly, supportive, efficient, deadly and instinctive of each others moves. They can read each other and have a way of signaling, communicating without words. Tesla is strong, determined, honest, loyal and loving. She is also extremely intelligent and keen to save military lives, even at the risk of her own. She's a fighter determined to do something to stop needless death like her brothers, and to keep up with this team of Seals and not let them down or make their job any harder than it needs to be. There is a lot going on in this story, it keeps you on the edge of your seat and often holding your breathe. The team take her into their hearts firstly because of the amazing stamina that she shows, but also the way she wont take any crap. Although this is a serious issue and some nasty stuff happens it does have a little bit of light heartedness at times which fits with these guys and her. It made it all the more enjoyable during reading when you find yourself having a little chuckle, it eases the tenseness of all that's going on and waiting to see what's going to happen next. There's definitely no getting bored or to relaxed, thinking oh good now we get the happy... def not plenty of twists and turns right till the end.


5 Stars
Forbidden Love - Andie M. Long, Anna Bloom, Bethany Lopez, Grace Augustine, Jade C. Jamison, Jeanne St. James, K.L. Shandwick, Kat Mizera, L.A. Remenicky, Sydney Aaliyah Michelle

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000222 EndHTML:000091493 StartFragment:000089413 EndFragment:000091392 StartSelection:000089456 EndSelection:000091380 SourceURL: Forbidden Love by Andie M. 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  On the whole this series of short stories is good to the point of me looking for books following on or related to the characters in some of them, some really stood out as slightly better than others like Anna Bloom's and Kat Mizera. KL Shandwick's Under The Radar is related to her Ready For Flynn series which I have read, so I really enjoyed this story especially since I was already familiar with the characters and some of their story. It is focussed on their relationship and a discussion on mov On the whole this series of short stories is good to the point of me looking for books following on or related to the characters in some of them, some really stood out as slightly better than others like Anna Bloom's and Kat Mizera. KL Shandwick's Under The Radar is related to her Ready For Flynn series which I have read, so I really enjoyed this story especially since I was already familiar with the characters and some of their story. It is focussed on their relationship and a discussion on moving forward with it, one character wants more the other is worried how it would effect her job and son. Very intense and emotional, well written and enjoyable. If you have read the series then I would definitely suggest getting this for that story alone. There were a couple of stories I felt were very rushed, the wording and sentences almost clipped as though a read through or edits and corrections hadn't been made. This is a shame as the stories themselves were quite good but this did let them down and I must say I have read arcs with much better layout and spelling, luckily this is in the minority in this box set and was only two stories so didn't spoil it to much. Most authors had done a thorough job and I really enjoyed reading them.


5 Stars
Gibson's Legacy (Last Score Book 1) - K.L. Shandwick

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December 6, 2016 – Finished Reading
December 6, 2016 – Shelved
December 4, 2016 – Started Reading
Review Gibson is a rock star with a reputation, it started before he and the band became famous and has followed him into adult hood. Chloe knew him slightly way back, enough to see how he earned said reputation. Though she feels she missed a chance back then she has no intention of becoming another notch to him. Life has been hard for her, a long term relationship has left her with little trust in men. A wrong number phone call hours after beginning a new life gradually sparks something inside her.
Gibson is a rock star with a reputation, it started before he and the band became famous and has followed him into adult hood. Chloe knew him slightly way back, enough to see how he earned said reputation. Though she feels she missed a chance back then she has no intention of becoming another notch to him. Life has been hard for her, a long term relationship has left her with little trust in men. A wrong number phone call hours after beginning a new life gradually sparks something inside her.
Lots of angst and misconceptions make for a bit of a roller coaster of highs and lows for this couple, it is intense and sometimes raw with emotion. Frustration for Gibson in trying to do right by Chloe but at the same time his need for her is overwhelming. For Chloe it is the fear of trusting again, the feeling of not being good enough and of just being someone Gibson wants only until he gets what he wants from all women then him dropping her like all the others.
This is a fast paced read with a good flow throughout, the emotions go through a full range right along with these two characters. Just the sort of read I love, I tend to get lost in the story and suck it all in, I get a lump in my throat when the characters are upset and I find myself clenching my fist when things are tense.
Only draw back is that this isn't a stand alone book it continues into book 2, a bit like KL Shandwick Ready For Flynn Series so you need to be prepared to commit to that before you read. Do I feel its worth doing that? YES I do without hesitation, I enjoyed the other series and this first one in this series doesn't disappoint in any way.


5 Stars
Forced: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (The Blackthorn Brothers Book 1) - Cali MacKay
  Well this is certainly a bit different from the last series I read from Cali. Wren has moved away from home to try and forget all the bad stuff that happened, I don't think she knew her father has been having her watched though maybe if he had done that sooner the bad stuff wouldn't have happened. Ash had broken off with her thinking maybe someone else could help her and she would be happier, all it did was send her back to the one causing the trouble. Both are still in love with each other and now being blackmailed to get married by her father. The twists in this were not as surprising as I expected them to be, but I still enjoyed the story. There is abusive content and talk of rape, plus the BDSM element to Wren and Ash's relationship though I feel she needed that because of everything else she had been through and Ash was just trying to give her the release she needed. Lots of sexual content which is graphic, I suppose some might feel there was to much of this and maybe there could have been a bit more plot. But I felt that to some extent the sexual side of the story was probably more of the focus because they just couldn't keep their hands off each other, even when Wren was running away. I still found I lost myself in the reading which is good, maybe not my favourite of Cali's books but still worth my 5 stars and I am reading on through the series.


5 Stars
Ravage and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series - The Foley Family Book 1) - Cali MacKay
  love this series, it has everything you want in romance. highly recomend


5 Stars
One Sweet Summer - Cali MacKay
  a lovely story, really enjoyed it. not to heavy or intense esp on the intimate scenes. nice if you just want a good romance with a little spice


5 Stars
No Way in Hell: A Steel Corps/Trident Security Crossover Novel Book 1 - Samantha Cole, J. C. Havens
  Free copy gifted by authors for and honest review.
The anticipation that built for this crossover two book between JB Havens Steel Corps Series and Samantha A Cole's Trident Security Series is so worth it. Having most of your favourite characters all in one place, getting background of the earlier years and how they all get to where they are in the separate series is interesting and helps understand them a lot more. Its exciting from the first page and doesn't stop building throughout, it finishes to quickly but luckily both books are releasing more or less together so no wait to get right back in with the second. You do need to read both books and in order as it is a continuation. I love all these kick-ass characters and no way can I choose between them, though it is great to have Phillips back as I have missed him. This starts with Mic and Carter when young and how they end up in the military doing what they do, there are some intense sections where they are fighting in war zones some of which is graphic, especially the interrogations. It is also the start of Trident and Steel, the setting up of each as well as the training and recruitment. I feel so lucky to be given the chance of the early read of these before the main release and believe me you do not want to miss out on them. if you haven't yet read Trident Security or The Steel Corps Series then I would actually read these two first before you go and read both the other series but if you have already read them then this is just an added bonus. Fantastic collaboration between these awesome authors and I hope that maybe they may do more in the future, definitely worth more than five stars.


5 Stars
Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 - Samantha Cole
  I was given this for an honest review.
This is a Private Security/ BDSM romance based novel. With a great story and a bit of mystery, the hot alpha males are all Ex-Seals and served together as part of a team. As they all retired from the Team they joined the security firm started by brothers Ian and Devon, the brothers also partnered up with their cousin to start up their own BDSM private and exclusive club. Writer Kristin meets Devon quite by chance while trying to get inspiration for her new book, she then meets him a second time while visiting the club for research purposes. This is a fairly fast paced story, there is BDSM content though nothing to hard core. There is an assassin for hire after the team though at first they are unaware of this, tension mounts as they try to find out why. The book is well written and flows through each chapter, each part or component of the story blending together. It is interesting and keeps your attention throughout, the romance builds slowly at first even though the sparks are there from the outset, but that's a good thing. A very enjoyable read and one that has me hooked on this group of guys, good job I have the next 2 already to start reading.


5 Stars
No Way in Hell: A Steel Corps/Trident Security Crossover Novel Book 2 - Samantha Cole, J. C. Havens
  Arc copy given by authors for an honest review.
The mission is go in this second part of the Trident/ Steel crossover story. With the suspense building throughout the first part it continues on in this to the conclusion. Interrogations are full on and a bit gory, pretty much what you expect to get results and answers. I love the sparks between Mic and Carter and the friendship they build while working together, it is almost funny how Mic tries to dominate the Dom and gives as good as she gets, him insisting on calling her sweetheart and touching, kissing her when they are in the group knowing she has to stay in character. I loved these books so much it was hard finishing them I just wanted more, more, more. JB and Samantha have done a fantastic job inter-weaving each of their characters form their own book series into this combined one, working them in with all their strengths and even the few weaknesses, not that there's many of them. This is a very believable story of terrorism at its worst, you can easily believe there are groups like this existing and planning to commit these awful deeds against humanity and our countries. Fantastic, wonderful do not even begin to cover how good these two books are. If you like Military reads then honestly you cant go wrong, there is action a plenty as well as undercover work and interrogations giving insight into just a bit of what probably does go on behind the scenes that us ordinary public don't hear about. JB Havens and Samantha A Cole when do we get more please? waiting with fingers crossed.