Forbidden Love - Andie M. Long, Anna Bloom, Bethany Lopez, Grace Augustine, Jade C. Jamison, Jeanne St. James, K.L. Shandwick, Kat Mizera, L.A. Remenicky, Sydney Aaliyah Michelle

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  On the whole this series of short stories is good to the point of me looking for books following on or related to the characters in some of them, some really stood out as slightly better than others like Anna Bloom's and Kat Mizera. KL Shandwick's Under The Radar is related to her Ready For Flynn series which I have read, so I really enjoyed this story especially since I was already familiar with the characters and some of their story. It is focussed on their relationship and a discussion on mov On the whole this series of short stories is good to the point of me looking for books following on or related to the characters in some of them, some really stood out as slightly better than others like Anna Bloom's and Kat Mizera. KL Shandwick's Under The Radar is related to her Ready For Flynn series which I have read, so I really enjoyed this story especially since I was already familiar with the characters and some of their story. It is focussed on their relationship and a discussion on moving forward with it, one character wants more the other is worried how it would effect her job and son. Very intense and emotional, well written and enjoyable. If you have read the series then I would definitely suggest getting this for that story alone. There were a couple of stories I felt were very rushed, the wording and sentences almost clipped as though a read through or edits and corrections hadn't been made. This is a shame as the stories themselves were quite good but this did let them down and I must say I have read arcs with much better layout and spelling, luckily this is in the minority in this box set and was only two stories so didn't spoil it to much. Most authors had done a thorough job and I really enjoyed reading them.